Aha! Roadmaps + GitLab
Send roadmap updates to your engineering team
Create your product roadmap in Aha! — define requirements, prioritize the backlog, and group features into a release. Once you are ready for development, send features and requirements to GitLab. As engineers complete work, the status is updated in Aha! so both teams are always in sync.
Coordinate priority and timing
Map releases, features, and requirements in Aha! with milestones, issues, and checklists in GitLab. Then sync fields — including name, description, tags, and attachments. Save the configuration as a template so you can quickly set up future integrations with GitLab.
Streamline communication across teams
Send your engineering team a clearly prioritized backlog of features. Establishing a two-way link between Aha! and GitLab keeps updates flowing back and forth seamlessly. Both teams can collaborate on requirements, communicate changes, and track progress throughout development in their tool of choice.
Receive status updates
Share status updates from GitLab to Aha! as work is completed. Changing the status label on an issue in GitLab automatically updates the feature status in Aha! You can track and report on progress in Aha! so you immediately know when features will be ready to ship.
See more Aha! integrations
Create the perfect environment and streamline your product development process.
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Send roadmap updates directly to the Slack channels of your choice.
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Link customer opportunities and support cases directly to ideas.
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Send prioritized features from Aha! to GitHub individually or in bulk for a release.
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