

Ambitious plans, innovative feedback, and focused collaboration all tend to generate lots of information. Many Aha! account users have multiple workspaces or teams in their account, with thousands of different records. We have designed searching in your Aha! account to help you sort through all that data and find the exact record you need — fast.

Click any of the following links to skip ahead:

Search your account

To search through your Aha! account, click the search icon in the top-right of your screen, or type the / key to open the search modal with a keyboard shortcut. It will display the last 20 records you viewed. If one of these is the record you were looking for, click it to close the search modal and open the record's detail drawer.

Don't see what you're looking for? Start typing to search through your Aha! account. Search by record name, ID, related text, or user's name, or use search syntax to perform an advanced search.

As you type, your Aha! account will generate search results, and the Filter by bar will appear on the right side of the modal. Use it to filter your results by Record type or by Workspace or Team.


Search features boards

If you use Aha! Roadmaps, you have access to the Features Board page, also called the Activities Board page in certain workspace types. On that page, there is a search bar that filters the records displayed on the board.

Use this search bar to start searching through all the features or activities in your backlog or in your active releases and schedules. As you type, you will see your board auto-filter to records that include your search term in their Name, ID, or any fields displayed on the cards.

This search applies to any information visible on the board, not any information in the features, activities, or epics themselves.

You can always click the search icon in the top-right of your screen or type the / key to open the search modal you use throughout other Aha! Roadmaps pages. Notice that when you search on this page, the search modal has an extra tab. In addition to Recent (showing records you have recently viewed) and Account (showing records in your account that match your search term and filters), you will see the Features board or Activities board tabs. These tabs search through the records displayed on your Features Board and Activities Board pages.


Search notes

Similar to features boards for Aha! Roadmaps users, the search modal has an extra tab whenever Aha! Roadmaps or Aha! Develop users search through notes — and for much the same reason. Users in these Aha! products often have a significant number of notes — product teams document meetings, ideas, and plans, while engineering teams often create their own wiki-like internal knowledge base.

The Notes page has always had a search bar in the upper-right corner to help you search through your notes. When you use the Aha! search modal on this page, you will see the Notes tab in addition to the Recent and Account tabs. Select this tab to limit your search to just the notes in your currently selected workspace or team.


Search ideas portals

Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Ideas users have access to ideas portals to gather customer feedback and uncover innovative ideas. When you search within an ideas portal, you use the same search engine that you use in the Aha! application. Ideas portal searches will search ideas' reference numbers, names, descriptions, and visible custom fields.


Search syntax

Search in your Aha! account supports the following syntax. Use these options to help optimize your search.

Appending an asterisk (*) to a word will search for all words that include the prefix. This allows for distinguishing between exact match versus prefix match results.

For example:




Records containing "author," "authorize," "authorization," "authority," etc.


Records that match APP-12 only, and not "APP-121," "APP-122," "APP-1231," etc.


Combining words

Boolean operators for combining words allow you more control over the outcome of the search results. Boolean operators include AND, OR, and NOT and can be combined with parentheses.

For example:



dashboard OR report

Records containing a reference to either "dashboard" or "report"

dashboard AND report

Records containing a reference to both "dashboard" and "report"

dashboard NOT report

Records containing a reference "dashboard" but do not contain "report"

(dashboard OR report) editor

Records containing a reference to either "dashboard" or "report," but must also contain a reference to "editor"

Boolean operators must be in all capital letters.


User mentions

Use @mentions in your search queries to include Aha! Roadmaps users.

For example:




Records where Fred has been @mentioned


Phrase queries

Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase match.

For example:



"Fredwin Design System"

Records that include the exact phrase "Fredwin Design System"


Suite overview
    Aha! Roadmaps
    Aha! Ideas
    Aha! Develop
    Release notes