
Aha! Ideas | Create a workspace hierarchy

As soon as you start up your Aha! Ideas account and create an ideas portal, you can start managing feedback right away. You can even create multiple portals in one workspace and review every idea in one place.

If you want your Aha! Ideas account to model your company hierarchy, you can create a workspace hierarchy. For example, you might want a separate workspace for separate teams joining your account or perhaps different workspace lines that correspond to different product offerings.

The workspace hierarchy expanded in front of the workspace customizations settings

The Aha! Ideas workspace hierarchy is built around two types of hierarchy elements: workspaces and workspace lines.

  • Workspaces are where you interact with the feedback in your account. You manage submitted ideas, run empathy sessions, and create reports from a workspace.

  • Workspace lines help you organize your workspaces into families, suites, or groups. Workspace lines can also represent any level in your organization, such as business units, divisions, and your company. Therefore, a workspace line can contain other workspace lines and workspaces.

You must be an Aha! Ideas administrator with customization permissions to configure workspaces and workspace lines.

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Configure your workspace hierarchy

You can start by setting up either workspaces or workspace lines under Settings ⚙️ Account Workspaces. You can rearrange your groupings at any time. You can adjust your workspace hierarchy by creating a workspace line and then selecting which workspaces belong to it. Or you can select a workspace and choose which workspace line it belongs to.


Configure workspaces

  1. Click Add workspace.

  2. Select the workspace line your new workspace should belong to (if one exists).

  3. Enter a workspace Name and Prefix. Then click Create workspace.


Configure workspace lines

  1. Click on Add line.

  2. Select the line's Type. Aha! Roadmap customers can select from one of several workspace and workspace line types. In Aha! Ideas, you will use the Product line type.

  3. Select the workspace line your new line belongs to (if one exists).

  4. Enter a Name, Prefix, and Label.

    A workspace line's Label is a short definition of the type of line. The Label you enter here will appear on the hierarchy dropdown on the Settings ⚙️ Account Workspaces page.

  5. Add any child workspaces or workspace lines (if they exist). Then click Create line.

It may be helpful to select consistent workspace line label nomenclature across your Aha! Ideas account before you start creating workspace lines. (For example: "Company Division Subdivision Workspace" or "Organization Team Group Workspace".) You can also edit this field at any time if your account's nomenclature needs to change.

Remember, once you create a workspace hierarchy, you can select which workspace or workspace line you are going to work on from the dropdown menu at the top-left of the Aha! Ideas navigation. This dropdown allows you to expand or collapse workspace lines, type to search for a specific workspace, and also saves the three most recent workspaces you have viewed for faster access.


Move workspaces to a new workspace line

If your workspace hierarchy changes, you may need to move a workspace or a set of workspaces to a new workspace line. Before you do so, consider two ways the move might affect your team:

  • Many workspace settings can be inherited from the workspace line — which means moving a workspace to a new workspace line will also change the workspace's settings.

  • Users can inherit their user permissions from a workspace line — which means moving a workspace to a new workspace line could also change users' workspace access and permission levels.

To address these concerns, review the settings of the workspace(s) you intend to move. Pay attention to any setting that is set to Inherit from line, and make sure the new workspace line's settings are settings you want the child workspaces to inherit.

Then, it's time to look at users. Navigate to Settings ⚙️ Account Users and filter the list of users by the workspace(s) you intend to move. Make sure that the appropriate users have the appropriate user permissions in the new workspace line.

You can use both the workspace settings report and the Settings ⚙️ Account Users page to bulk edit multiple settings or multiple users.

Settings that will not move with the workspace if set to inherit from the old workspace line

Account settings

Workspace settings

Settings that will move along with the workspace to the new workspace line

While moving a workspace to a new workspace line will maintain record links, users associated with that workspace may see their permissions change as a result of the move, and may not be able to see or access some linked records.


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